Studies in 2021 Confirm Overuse of Mammogram Screening

New published peer- reviewed articles(1,2) in the Journal of the American Medical Association support Athena Institute’s long-standing message for women to take ownership of their breast health and consider reducing frequency of mammogram screening.

In May 2021 the peer-reviewed medical journal, JAMA Internal Medicine, published a comprehensive study and subsequent editorial, showing 81% of breast-cancer centers across the U.S recommend annual mammograms for women ages 40-49. (JAMA Internal Medicine, May 2021, Volume 181, Number 5s(1)).

The journal’s accompanying editorial criticized that practice because it contradicts the US Preventive Services Task Force biennial recommendations that acknowledge the risks of over-diagnosis and suggests personal shared decisions with physicians, NOT one-size-fits-all annual routine screening for this age group.

Because women and their practitioners often rely on these mammography centers for guidance, correcting those breast centers’ advice is essential. Overuse of mammogram screening is prevalent and not in women’s best interest: Especially women in their 40’s.

These current findings are revelatory, and echo the important news from Dr. Winnifred Cutler and coauthors in their 2020 paper Public Library of Science (PLOS) supporting the reduction of frequency of mammograms, and recognizing the harms from over screening, overdiagnosis, and over treatment.

Learn more from Hormones and Your Health, Chapter 10
Protecting the Breasts - The Hidden Truth about Mammography, Hormones, and Cancer


1 LESS IS MORE: Recommendations From Breast Cancer Centers for Frequent Screening Mammography in Younger Women May Do More Harm Than Good
Anand R. Habib, MD, MPhil; Deborah Grady, MD, MPH; Rita F. Redberg, MD,
MS 588 JAMA Internal Medicine May 2021 Volume 181, Number 5

2 Assessment of Screening Mammography Recommendations by Breast Cancer Centers in the US.
Karola S. Jering, MD, Brian L. Claggett, PhD Jonathan W. Cunningham, MD Ning Rosenthal, MD, PhD, Orly Vardeny, PharmD, MS Michael F. Greene, MD, Scott D. Solomon, MD )
JAMA Internal Medicine May 2021 Volume 181, Number 5 717

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